Tuesday, November 26, 2024

Death and Dark


Death sat, twiddling his thoughts.  He would be twiddling his fingers, except Death didn’t think about fingers much. Thoughts, now – thoughts twiddled just fine.

Dark came wandering by, by herself as it happened.  Death had had an assignation with Dark’s sister Light just a few epochs ago, her endless energy melding with his infinite stillness that left both of them gasping and causing spacetime to flutter.  He had also had such encounters with Dark herself, but far less often.  When Death and Dark came together, they rattled the firmaments…and then the neighbors would complain.

Stars and planes cooled and slowed as they approached on the flow of time.  Some darkened and cooled completely, some faded away to irrelevance; some regained their light as they oozed past.  Dark sat beside Death and together they watched the slow motion twinkle of galaxies, sparks caught in amber. 

“I envy her, a little, you know.”

“I know.  I’m sorry for that.  But we’ll never stop.”

“Oh, I wouldn’t ask you to.  It feels so good, though, and I can feel part of myself wanting it again.  It’s just that it’s so disruptive.  Getting everything back in order is such a chore afterward.”

“Absolutely.  I just wish it lasted longer.”

“Eternity.  What a brief and miserable amount of time.”

Dark leaned into Death, and they kissed in an intermingling of intrinsic stillnesses.  Hardly a dark, dead star separated the lips neither of them thought about, a closeness that pulled them closer.

Death pulled Dark closer yet and they caressed like the lovers they had always been, sharing mutualities and synonyms as they observed the waning and waxing universes tiding past.  They sighed into each other until Dark gasped, “…not yet.”

“All right.”

But they held each other still, feeling desires and comfort, sharing endless time, being.

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